- how to compile short form schemas
- how to create complex entities
- how to add short names
- how to create index file for compiled schemas
- how to compile and use java classes created by express compiler
The sample batch files compile_example.bat and run_sdaiedit.bat included in this directory do all that.
First, you see that a merged file examples.exp is built which contains both express schemas from example_1.exp and example_2.exp files. It is needed because these two schemas are in short form relationship: example_2 schema has "USE FROM example_2;" interface specification.
Next, notice -Djava.ext.dirs=..\..\..\ext switch on the command line. It tells to use necessary jars and the jsdai.properties file from the {installation_top_directory}\JSDAI\ext directory. In the jsdai.properties file, the location of the ExpressCompilerRepo repository, which is necessary for the express compiler to run, is specified.
Now, look at the command line switches of the express compiler itself. The order of the switches in not significant.
-is switch switches off a strict implementation of a feature of ISO 10303-11 that does not have any effect with these simple schemas but that could really cause problems for JSDAI with some short form schemas with interfaced SELECT data types. One might say that -is switch just implements a more sensible and improved ISO 10303-11.
-express examples.exp switch tells the express compiler to compile the express schemas inside examples.exp file. -relax switch is a switch that hopefully again does nothing in this case. If there are some non-syntax errors or warning during parsing, without this switch the next passes and backend would not start. So it is safer not to use this switch, unless some insignificant error message cannot be avoided, then this switch allows to complete the job and you perhaps still may get correct output data.
-java switch tells
to generate java packages for these two schemas. So two
subdirectories containing the java packages will appear in the
current directory:
jsdai\SExample_1\ and jsdai\SExample_2\
-binaries switch makes the binary files with the sdai models with
the dictionary data of the two schemas to be added to their java
packages. So the files
EXAMPLE_2_DICTIONARY_DATA will appear in the corresponding
-complex examples.ce switch tells the express compiler to create complex entities that are defined in the examples.ce file. In this case, one complex entity will be created, i.e, the java entity class for it will be generate in SExample_2 package and also the instance of its entity definition will be created in the dictionary model of that schema.
-short_names switch tells the express compiler to add to the dictionary optional short names for the entities. The short names are read from example_1.SN and example_2.SN files in SHORT_NAMES subdirectory of the current directory, as a different directory for short names is not specified with -short_name_dir switch.
-p21 examples.p21 switch tells the express compiler to export the repository to ISO 10303-21 format file with the name examples.p21. You can use this file to browse the dictionary if you do not feel like using SdaiEdit which you should use for that purpose, really.
-compilation_sn 1000 switch tells the express compiler to use persistent labels starting from 1000 * 248. You can use this switch to separate persistent labels for separate compilations of schemas.
-index_file switch tells the express compiler to create repository index file by default the file is named repository.properties. It is used to verify schemas versions between separate jars. The file will be created in jsdai subdirectory.
Line 3 in batch file is used to create subdirectory named jar. Next two lines are used to compile java source created by express compiler. Compiled class files are stored in jar\jsdai\ corresponding subdirectories. Then repository.properties file is moved from jsdai\ to jar\jsdai\ subdirectory.
Next, example.jar is created. Example.jar contains compiled schema classes and repository.properties file.
To run SdaiEdit with newly compiled schemas, you must use run_sdaiedit.bat file. Look inside of this file: first, class path variable is set to use necessary jars from {installation_top_directory}\JSDAI\ext directory. Then -Djsdai.properties=..\..\..\ext\ switch on the command line tells to use the jsdai.properties file from {installation_top_directory}\JSDAI\ext directory.
When SdaiEdit starts you must find at least two repositories: SystemRepository
and ExpressCompilerRepo. If schemas compilation and jar creation process was successful
both repositories must contain models named:
Now you can create your own repositories and models using newly compiled schemas.