SDAI file format

Last update 2003-09-03

SDAI file is the compressed ZIP format file complying with the following specifications:

SDAI file contains all binary and property files of the SdaiRepository, normally stored in the special SdaiRepository directory. The list of files that could be stored in SDAI file:

SdaiRepository binary file format

sdai_repository_file :=
    'R'         // SdaiRepository start
    BUILD_NUMBER: integer           // build number
    JSDAI_VERSION_MAJOR: short      // major version number
    JSDAI_VERSION_MIDDLE: short     // middle version number
    JSDAI_VERSION_MINOR: short      // minor version number

    DESCRIPTION_COUNT: short        // count of descriptions
    { DESCRIPTION: string }         // descriptions

    NAME: string                    // SdaiRepository name
    CHANGE_DATE: string             // SdaiRepository changed date
    AUTHOR_COUNT: integer           // count of SdaiRepository authors
    { AUTHOR: string }              // SdaiRepository authors
    ORGANIZATION_COUNT: integer     // count of SdaiRepository organizations
    { ORGANIZATION: string }        // SdaiRepository organizations
    PREPROCESSOR_VERSION: string    // SdaiRepository preprocessor version
    ORIGINATING_SYSTEM: string      // SdaiRepository originating system
    AUTHORIZATION: string           // SdaiRepository authorization

    0: short                        // RESERVED

    [ 'L' DEFAUL_LANGUAGE: string ] // default/general language
    [ 'C'
        CONTEXT_COUNT: short        // count of contexts names
        { CONTEXT: string }         // contexts names
    LARGEST_PERSISTENT_LABEL: long  // largest persistent label
    'S'         // section of schema names
    SCHEMA_COUNT: short             // count of schema
    { SCHEMA_NAME: string }         // schema names
    'S'         // section of SdaiModels
    SDAI_MODEL_COUNT: integer       // count of SdaiModels
    SDAI_MODEL_COUNT: short         // count of SdaiModels
    { SDAI_MODEL: sdai_model_definition }   // SdaiModels
    'S'         // section of SchemaInstances
    SCHEMA__INSTANCE_COUNT: short   // count of SchemaInstances
    { SCHEMA_INSTANCE: schema_instance_definition }  // SchemaInstances
    'E'         // SdaiRepository end
sdai_model_definition :=
    'B'         // SdaiModel start
    NAME: string                            // name of SdaiModel
    ID: integer                             // identifier of SdaiModel
    UNDERLYING_SCHEMA_INDEX: short          // index of underlying schema
    CHANGE_DATE: string                     // change date 
    [ 'L' DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: string ]        // default language
    [ 'C'
    CONTEXT_COUNT: short                    // count of contexts
    { CONTEXT: string }                     // contexts

schema_instance_definition :=
    'B'         // SchemaInstance start
    NAME: string                            // name of SchemaInstance
    NATIVE_SCHEMA_INDEX: short              // index of native schema
    CHANGE_DATE: string                     // change date
    VALIDATION_DATE: string                 // validation date
    VALIDATION_RESULT: byte                 // validation result: true, false
    VALIDATION_LEVEL: short                 // validation level
    DESCRIPTION_COUNT: short                // count of descriptions
    { DESCRIPTION }: string                 // descriptions
    AUTHOR_COUNT: short                     // count of authors
    { AUTHOR }: string                      // authors
    ORGANIZATION_COUNT: short               // count of organizations
    { ORGANIZATION }: string                // organizations
    [ 'P' PREPROCESSOR_VERSION: string ]    // preprocessor version
    [ 'O' ORIGINATING_SYSTEM: string ]      // originating system
    [ 'A' AUTHORIZATION: string ]           // authorization
    [ 'L' LANGUAGE: string ]                // language
    CONTEXT_COUNT: short                    // count of contexts
    { CONTEXT }: string                     // contexts
    ASSOCIATED_SDAI_MODEL_COUNT: short      // count of associated SdaiModels
    { ASSCOCIATED_SDAI_MODEL: associated_sdai_model_definition }  // associated SdaiModels
    [ INCLUDED_SCHEMA_INSTANCES: incl_schema_instances_list ]           // included SchemaInstances list

associated_sdai_model_definition :=
    ( 'L' INDEX: integer            // index of SdaiModel
    | 'E' NAME: string              // name of SdaiModel
      SDAI_REPOSITORY_NAME: string  // name of SdaiRepository

incl_schema_instances_list :=
    INCLUDED_SCHEMA_INSTANCES_COUNT: short  // count of included SchemaInstances
    { INCLUDED_SCHEMA_INSTANCE: included_schema_instance_definition }  // included SchemaInstances

included_schema_instance_definition :=
    ( 'L' INDEX: integer            // index of SchemaInstance
    | 'E' NAME: string              // name of SchemaInstance
      SDAI_REPOSITORY_NAME: string  // name of SdaiRepository

SdaiModel binary file format

sdai_model_file :=
    'D'        // SdaiModel start
    BUILD_NUMBER: integer        // build number
    INSTANCE_COUNT: long         // count of instances in this SdaiModel
    { PERSISTENT_LABEL: long }   // persistent labels (sorted in increasing order) of instances of this SdaiModel

    DEFINED_TYPE_COUNT: short       // count of defined data types which do not have an immediate underlying select data type
    { DEFINED_TYPE_NAME: string }   // names of the defined data types

    ENTITY_TYPE_COUNT: short        // count of entity data types
    { ENTITY_TYPE: entity_type_definition } // entity data types in upper case, sorted alphabetically

    POPULATED_COMPLEX_TYPE_COUNT: short  // count of populated complex entity data types, even those with only one entity data type
    { COMPLEX_ENTITY_INSTANCE: complex_entity_instance_definition } // complex entity instances sorted lexicographically
    { ENTITY_INSTANCE_VALUE: entity_instance_value_definition }     // entity instance sorted by persistent label
    'E'        // SdaiModel end

entity_type_definition :=
    ENTITY_TYPE_NAME: string            // entity data type name from dictionary
    EXPLICIT_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT: short     // count of all non-redeclaring explicit attributes of this entity data type, but not of it's supertypes
                                        // the order is as defined in express. It can be used as index 0, 1, 2...
    { EXPLICIT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: string } // explicit attribute names
    SUPERTYPE_COUNT: short              // count of supertypes
    { SUPERTYPE_INDEX: short }          // index of supertypes

complex_entity_instance_definition :=
    ENTITY_TYPE_COUNT: short            // count of leave entity data types
    { ENTITY_TYPE_INDEX: short }        // indexes of all leave entity data types in upper case, sorted alphabetically
    INSTANCE_COUNT: long 		        // count of instances
    { PERSISTENT_LABEL: long } ;        // persistent labels (sorted in increasing order)

entity_instance_value_definition :=
    'c'        // start-indication
    COMPLEX_TYPE_INDEX: short           // index to complex entity type
    { VALUE: value_definition }         // values for all attributes in single entity data types sorted in given order above (composing)
    [{ AIM2ARM_LINK: aim2arm_link_definition }]  // AIM to ARM links

value_definition :=  // value of a single attribute
    ( '$' // MISSING, UNSET
    | '*' // REDEFINED
    | 'u' // UNKNOWN
    | 't' // TRUE
    | 'f' // FALSE
    | 'r' VALUE: double       // Real value
    | 'i' VALUE: integer      // Integer value
    | 's' VALUE: string       // String value
    | 'b' VALUE: string       // Binary value
    | 'B' // Binary value
          BINARY_LENGTH := long
          BINARY_UNUSED := byte
          {BINARY_BYTES := byte ^ 0x80}
    | 'e' VALUE: string       // Enumeration value definition
    | 'p' VALUE: short        // index to typed parameters needed for values of select data types, recursive definition
    | ( '1'         // instance-ref inside this SdaiModel
        POPULATED_COMPLEX_ENTITY_INDEX: short      // index of populated complex entity type
        INSTANCE_INDEX: integer                    // instance index
    | ( '2'         // instance reference inside this SdaiRepository with SdaiModel name
        SDAI_MODEL_NAME: string                    // SdaiModel name
        ENTITY_TYPE: entity_type_reference         // entity type
        PERSISTENT_LABEL: long                     // persistent label
    | ( '3'         // instance reference inside this SdaiRepository with SdaiModel index
        SDAI_MODEL_INDEX: short                    // SdaiModel index
        ENTITY_TYPE: entity_type_reference         // entity type
        PERSISTENT_LABEL: long                     // persistent label
    | ( '4'         // instance reference with SdaiRepository name and SdaiModel name
        SDAI_REPOSITORY_NAME: string               // SdaiRepository name
        SDAI_MODEL_NAME: string                    // SdaiModel name
        ENTITY_TYPE: entity_type_reference         // entity type
        PERSISTENT_LABEL: long                     // persistent label
    | ( '5'         // instance reference with SdaiRepository index and SdaiModel name
        SDAI_REPOSITORY_INDEX: short               // SdaiRepository index
        SDAI_MODEL_NAME: string                    // SdaiModel name
        ENTITY_TYPE: entity_type_reference         // entity type
        PERSISTENT_LABEL: long                     // persistent label
    | ( '6'         // instance reference with SdaiRepository index and SdaiModel index
        SDAI_REPOSITORY_INDEX: short              // SdaiRepository index
        SDAI_MODEL_INDEX: short                   // SdaiModel index
        ENTITY_TYPE: entity_type_reference        // entity type
        PERSISTENT_LABEL: long                    // persistent label
   | '(' { value } ')' // for all aggregates, starting with first member or valid index position

entity_type_reference :=
      ( '1' // types from the current data dictionary are used
       POPULATED_COMPLEX_ENTITY_INDEX: short // index of populated complex entity type
    | ( '2' // type is not found in the current data dictionary
       POPULATED_COMPLEX_ENTITY_NAME: string // name of populated complex entity type
    | ( '3' // type is not found in the current data dictionary
       POPULATED_COMPLEX_ENTITY_INDEX: short // index of populated complex entity type

aim2arm_link_definition :=
    ( 'l' 
       SDAI_REPOSITORY_NAME: string  // ARM SdaiRepository name (empty string "" indicates current SdaiRepository)
       SDAI_MODEL_NAME: string       // ARM SdaiModel name
       PERSISTENT_LABEL: long        // ARM instance persistent label
    | ( 'k' 
       SDAI_MODEL_INDEX: short       // ARM SdaiModel index
       PERSISTENT_LABEL: long        // ARM instance persistent label