Class SchemaDefinition

  extended byjsdai.lang.SdaiCommon
      extended byjsdai.lang.InverseEntity
          extended byjsdai.lang.CEntity
              extended byjsdai.lang.SchemaDefinition
All Implemented Interfaces:
EEntity, SdaiEventSource

public abstract class SchemaDefinition
extends CEntity

It is a supertype of the class CSchema_definition contained in the jsdai.dictionary package. This class is designed primarily to hold some non-public data fields. Also, the public method getEntityDefinition defined in "ISO 10303-22: Product data representation and exchange: Standard data access interface" and additional public method getDefinedType, which is not a part of the standard, are implemented here.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface jsdai.lang.EEntity
Method Summary
 jsdai.dictionary.EDefined_type getDefinedType(java.lang.String type_name)
          Returns defined type with the specified name.
 jsdai.dictionary.EEntity_definition getEntityDefinition(java.lang.String entity_name)
          Returns entity definition for the entity with the specified name.
Methods inherited from class jsdai.lang.CEntity
addSdaiListener, buildMappedInstance, compareValuesBoolean, compareValuesLogical, copyApplicationInstance, copyValuesFrom, createAggregate, createExternalData, deleteApplicationInstance, findEntityInstanceSdaiModel, findEntityInstanceUsedin, findEntityInstanceUsers, findEntityMappings, findEntityMappings, findInstanceDataTypes, findInstanceRoles, findLinkedMappedInstance, findMappedUsers, findMostSpecificMappings, get_boolean, get_double, get_int, get_inverse, get_object, get, getAllReferences, getAttributeDefinition, getAttributeValueBound, getDescription, getExternalData, getMappedAttribute, getMappedAttribute, getPersistentLabel, getTemp, getTemp, hasMappedAttribute, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOf, isKindOf, isKindOf, isValid, makeUsedin, moveUsersFrom, removeExternalData, removeSdaiListener, set, set, set, set, set, setTemp, setTemp, testAttribute, testAttributeFast, testExternalData, testMappedAttribute, testMappedAttribute, testMappedEntity, testMappedEntity, typeOf, toString, toValue, unsetAttributeValue, validateAggregatesSize, validateAggregatesUniqueness, validateArrayNotOptional, validateBinaryWidth, validateExplicitAttributesReferences, validateInverseAttributes, validateInverseAttributes, validateRealPrecision, validateRequiredExplicitAttributesAssigned, validateStringWidth, validateWhereRule, validateWhereRule
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface jsdai.lang.EEntity

Method Detail


public jsdai.dictionary.EEntity_definition getEntityDefinition(java.lang.String entity_name)
                                                        throws SdaiException
Returns entity definition for the entity with the specified name. This method searches the set of entities that are encountered in the EXPRESS schema represented by this ESchema_definition. Method's parameter is some string giving the name of an entity. If this entity is complex, then its constituents (simple entity data types) within this string are separated by '+' character. For example, "length_unit+si_unit". Both lower case letters and upper case letters are acceptable. If this parameter does not allow to identify an entity that is known for this schema, then SdaiException ED_NDEF is thrown. Passing null value to the method's parameter results in SdaiException VA_NSET.

entity_name - the name of the entity whose definition is requested.
definition of the specified entity.
SdaiException - ED_NDEF, entity definition not defined.
SdaiException - VA_NSET, value not set.
SdaiException - SY_ERR, underlying system error.
See Also:
SdaiModel.getEntityDefinition(java.lang.String), "ISO 10303-22::10.7.8 Get entity definition"


public jsdai.dictionary.EDefined_type getDefinedType(java.lang.String type_name)
                                              throws SdaiException
Returns defined type with the specified name. This method searches the set of defined types that are encountered in the EXPRESS schema represented by this ESchema_definition. Method's parameter is some string giving the name of a defined type. Both lower case letters and upper case letters are acceptable. If this parameter does not allow to identify a defined type that is known for this schema, then SdaiException VA_NVLD is thrown. Passing null value to the method's parameter results in SdaiException VA_NSET.

type_name - the name of the requested defined type.
defined type.
SdaiException - VA_NSET, value not set.
SdaiException - VA_NVLD, value invalid.
SdaiException - SY_ERR, underlying system error.

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